Category: World Economy

The Fiat Currency Delusion : The Global Financial Crisis from 2007 / 2008 is still hiding in the shadows of the world economy

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Many people currently believe that the Global Financial Crisis from 2007 / 2008 has since resolved, while money is indeed changing hands and there is more available credit now than ever before, this is not indicative of a healthy global economy. Since the 2007 / 2008 crisis, central and private banks globally have dropped interest […]

As it is: the Precious Metals Market Predicament

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A few concerns that have become prominent in association with the gold market over the last 24 months will without doubt continue to play its hand right through 2016 with the first being the strong U.S. dollar which has placed an enormous amount of pressure on the prices of the precious metal. This is because, most of […]

The Voices of the Grexit crisis

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The chaos is starting to reign in Greece. Or at least is what many people can see from far outside. Discussions are not getting the expected results and the Greeks are starting to drain the banks via ATM. Greece’s Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, is not showing good faith about the conversations that took place in […]

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